Trials are not meaningless. They are tools in God’s hands to shape us, draw us closer to Him, and equip us to fulfill His purposes. While the pain is real, so is God’s presence and power to see us through. By trusting Him, praying continually, and leaning on His Word, we can move forward with hope and purpose, knowing that He is working all things together for our good.
Why me? Why this? Why now? The trials and suffering we experience are not meaningless – there is purpose in the pain. Remind yourself today of this promise: God is always with you and will never leave you. No matter what you are facing. NEVER is a very powerful word. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about the word NEVER. God will NEVER abandon you. This doesn’t mean you won’t endure trials. However, it is His promise to ALWAYS be with you. We can’t run, we can’t hide, He is ALWAYS with us.
Do you ever feel you’re being tested? Have you ever thought how much more can I take? How can you hang onto hope when the heat of the trial you’re going through has been turned up another notch? See how God uses the trials in your life to change your character, purify your heart, and beautifully transform turbulent times of suffering into a showcase of His faithfulness.
Facing the agony of the cross, Jesus was in great physical, mental and spiritual distress. He even came to the point where He questioned the Father three times; asking if there might be another way to redeem us, but there was none. Then, Jesus faced the last, most painful trip to the crucible.
The crucible of God’s refining fire, not out of weakness and defeat but out of strength and faith. Faith in the Father who loved Him. Jesus was able to trust the Father’s trial because He trusted the Father’s heart. His heart of love and compassion. He trusted the Father’s wisdom and understanding You too can trust the Father’s heart of love and compassion. You can trust His wisdom and understanding. You can stand firm in the truth of Proverbs 3 verses 5 and 6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight.”
“He has made everything beautiful in its time.”
(Ecclesiastes 3:11)
Trials are a reality of life. They can feel overwhelming, unfair, and even unbearable. Yet, when viewed through the lens of faith, trials are not meaningless—they serve a divine purpose in shaping our character, strengthening our faith, and drawing us closer to God. Let’s explore the biblical purpose of trials and how we can move forward with godly steps.
To Refine Our Faith
To Build Perseverance and Character
To Draw Us Closer to God
To Equip Us to Comfort Others
Job: Job lost his wealth, health, and family but remained faithful. His story teaches us that God’s purposes are often beyond our understanding but always good and just (Job 42:1-6).
Joseph: Betrayed by his brothers and imprisoned unjustly, Joseph’s trials prepared him to save Egypt and his family during a famine. He recognized God’s hand in turning evil for good (Genesis 50:20).
Paul: Paul endured shipwrecks, beatings, and imprisonment for the gospel. Yet he declared, “For when I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Corinthians 12:10), trusting God’s grace to sustain him.
Trust God’s Sovereignty
Pray Without Ceasing
Rejoice in the Lord
Lean on God’s Word
Seek Support from the Body of Christ
Look Forward to God’s Ultimate Deliverance
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