Thy Art Is Murder had a very sudden and public falling out with former vocalist CJ McMahon upon the release of their new record Godlike. Thy Art Is Murder has since carried on with vocalist Tyler Miller, while McMahon has now changed career paths and is selling real estate. No word on how his death growls will affect sales, but his co-worker certainly looks happy. And I guess that’s half the battle, right?

On his change in career and new look, McMahon offered: “A new fresh start. It took a lot for me to cut my hair after having long hair for 15years. Thankyou to @cruzeallie who owns @allieswayhairandbeauty for giving me my new look. I have a new path and future in Realestate’s and I want to hit the ground running.

“I have created a new Instagram for my new career @cjmcmahon_realestate for the people that would like to see my new future. I beg and plead that the handful of people that hate me and just want to throw shade at me here do not follow this page and let me move on with my life, throw your shade here all you like.”

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