the-authors-of-new-titles-in-the-major-problems-series – The Cengage Blog

Reading Time: 3 minutes Cengage authors dedicate themselves to producing high-quality content, while also prioritizing a functional learning experience for students, equipping them with background


The Student Assistant Supports Learning and Teaching

Reading Time: 3 minutes AI is becoming a bigger part of our daily lives, and students are already using it to support their learning. In


Q&A With Authors of Chemistry First Edition for GOB Courses

Reading Time: 6 minutes Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background (current title, professional milestones, professional history, education, research works, hobbies, etc.)


Author Spotlight: Q&A With Reed Wicander of Physical Geology, 1e

Reading Time: 4 minutes Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background (current title, professional milestones, professional history, education, research works, hobbies, etc.)


The Importance of Discussion in American History

Reading Time: 3 minutes Psychologists call it choice paralysis. For me, it’s more like choice defeat. When confronted with too many options, I shut down.


welcome-dr-haiyan-maier-new-author- The Cengage Blog

Reading Time: 3 minutes Ellie Whitney, author of “Understanding Nutrition” has been known as a nutrition trailblazer for many years. And after several editions, she


want-to-build-a-robot- The Cengage Blog

Reading Time: 2 minutes Welcome to “System Dynamics and Controls,” 1e by Dr. S. Graham Kelly — a new first edition and comprehensive guide to


Butterflies and Biology for Life

Reading Time: 4 minutes When I was in sixth grade, my homeroom teacher brought monarch caterpillars into our classroom. One of our homework assignments was


Welcome Visible Body to Cengage

Reading Time: 2 minutes At Cengage, creating quality learning experiences is a priority. Our goal is to put the learner at the center of these experiences


Q&A With Sarah Bednarz of Human Geography

Reading Time: 4 minutes Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background (current title, professional milestones, professional history, education, research works, hobbies, etc.)