February 22: A moment of reflection

I had a bit of a moment this weekend. Just a little one – nothing major. Saturday morning I went out for a run. It was cold. There were ice patches all over the place. I found myself complaining. I’m tired. I have too much to do. I didn’t really WANT to run… but then I thought of the phrase I’ve heard over and over and over again in the past few weeks.

“Because I can.”

That’s the response I’ve gotten to the question, “Why do you run?” over and over again – from different people. “Because I can.” It’s simple, yet full of so much meaning. I’ve asked that question to almost every single person I’ve interviewed for our Boston Marathon coverage this year. Those three words mean something different to each person who says them. For Jeremy Woodward, those words mean he got another chance at getting out there. For Jake Fingerson, it’s to make a positive difference in the world, in honor of his children. For so many charity runners, its to make a difference in the lives of so many people who may not be able run that stretch from Hopkinton to Boston, and beyond.

When you have that ‘thing’ you love taken away from you in some capacity, whether it’s because of an injury or illness, time and tasks getting in the way, you’d give anything to get that ability back. I have been so inspired by each person who has shared their story with me. Now, I will remind myself before every run that I’m out there, because I can be. So, get out there and do, whatever it is you want to do, because YOU can. Go inspire others. And be grateful for every day you get the chance to do it.

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