New tariffs imposed by President Donald Trump could mean that drivers in New Hampshire will pay more at the gas pump.

Energy imports from Canada will have a 10% tax added to them, and most of the gas in New Hampshire comes from the Irving refinery in New Brunswick.

According to GasBuddy analyst Patrick De Haan, gas prices could rise 20 to 40 cents per gallon, and those increases could come quickly.

De Haan said that this is the time of year when gas prices typically rise because of seasonal trends. He said one thing that could stall the increase in costs from the tariffs is if the economy slows down because of the new tax, something that economists warn could happen.

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There could also be increases in the cost of diesel fuel, propane, jet fuel and kerosene.

Some Granite Staters said Tuesday that they’re not just worried about the price of gas, but the cost of everything.

“I’m not happy about it, because it’s going to cause the prices of everything to go up,” said Sherry Ayer, who was getting gas. “I mean, the fruits and vegetables are already high, and that’s going to just up it.”

De Haan said the longer the tariffs are in place, the more of an impact people will see.

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