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Weston Super Maim is now streaming their absolute nightmare of a new track “Autistic Kill Trance”, made all the more insane by Stace Fifield and Stuart Henley-Minchington of Blindfolded And Led To The Woods.
“We were trying to capture the state of anger and psychosis that is felt after losing a very close loved one,” said Weston Super Maim‘s Seth Detrick. “It can be quite intense and last for years. We decided to bring in some guests on this track that could project that intensity and we instantly knew who we needed. Stu and Stace of Blindfolded And Led To The Woods showed up in an extremely hateful and terrifying fashion and we couldn’t be more ecstatic about how it turned out.”
“For me Stace is one of the best vocalists in metal right now,” added Weston Super Maim‘s Tom Stevens. “He has this totally unique tonality, just pure aggression – and he absolutely dropped the hammer on this track. Stu is not only a ridiculous guitarist and elite-level drummer, it turns out he’s a filthy death metal vocalist (and Mongolian throat singer) too. Off-the-scale talent. We’re beyond honoured to have these legends on the track.”
Weston Super Maim will independently release See You Tomorrow Baby on March 15. Pre-orders are now live at Bandcamp.
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