Baroness and Red Fang will finally play some sludgy co-headlining dates together this May, so get your flannel out and grow that beard! Seriously though, how did this co-headlining situation take so long to finally happen? Get your tickets here.

“It will be great to get out and play some shows with our old friends in Red Fang,” said Baroness. “Surprisingly, we’ve never properly toured together, so we’re all excited to bring these shows to you this spring. Furthermore, it will be great to have another opportunity to support and perform songs from our latest record, STONE, with you!”

Red Fang‘s Bryan Giles adds: “We’re stoked to be paying shows with Baroness this Spring! I’m pretty sure these shows are gonna go off!”

5/13 Winston Salem, NC The Ramkat
5/14 Norfolk, VA Elevation 27
5/15 Baltimore, MD Ram’s Head Live
5/16 Asbury Park, NJ The Stone Pony
5/18 Harrisburg, PA HMAC

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