This week’s top tracks include a solid return from Six Feet Under, a very Swe-death new single from Gatecreeper, complete fucking annihilation from Terminal Nation, and more! Check out the playlist on Spotify here and on Apple Music here. This week’s new additions include:

  1. “Know-Nothing Ingrate” – Six Feet Under
  2. “The Black Curtain” – Gatecreeper
  3. “Written By The Victor” – Terminal Nation feat. NailsTodd Jones
  4. “The 2nd Of Three Bells” – My Dying Bride
  5. “Make It Rain” – Avatar
  6. “Judgment Day” – Know Death
  7. “The Dawn Is Hollow” – Ulcerate
  8. “Black Wings Of Desolation” – Witch Vomit
  9. “Rite For Exorcism” – Bat
  10. “Primordial Echo” – Oubliette
  11. “Plērōma” – Dvne
  12. “Thot Police” – ACxDC
  13. “Fire Waltz” – Abrams

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