Jul 27, 2022

Catholic sculptor Christopher Alles joins the podcast for an
introduction to the art of sculpture, especially in its formal
qualities. Alles mostly does commission work for the Church, and
the theoretical points in this conversation are illuminated by
references to some of his recent works, including a
work-in-progress Pieta and his monumental sculpture of St.
Joseph, Patron of a Happy Death.

Topics include:

  • Collaboration with patrons in commissioned work
  • The iconographic tradition in sculpture vs painting
  • Drawing as the root of both sculpting and painting
  • The challenges of modeling form based on anatomy without being
    enslaved to literal accuracy
  • The decorative and the illustrative aspects of visual art


Watch this interview on YouTube https://youtu.be/7LnWSNQKfqc



Thomas Mirus, “’A Peering’ at the Sheen Center”

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