Ulver is back with another two songs, this time in the form of “Locusts” and “Nocturne #2”. Ulver notes that both songs were completed last month shortly before the passing of Tore Ylvisaker, and will be part of a currently-unannounced full length album announced sometime this fall.

“Last month, right before Tore‘s passing, we finished two pieces which you can hear now, on digital platforms, for our yet unnamed new album,” said Ulver of the singles and album.

“We have to carry on howling, as said, no matter how wrong it feels. Our church is music. We will conclude with two more pieces and a pre-order for the physical release (LP/CD) via House of Mythology sometime this fall. Everything falls. Count your blessings. Ulver xx”

Get the two new singles here on Bandcamp.

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