What drives deforestation — and how can we stop it?

This summer, dangerous heatwaves have shattered records around the world. The extreme temperatures would be “virtually impossible” without human-caused climate change, according to an ever-growing


As coffee demand grows, farmers work to deliver a sustainable brew

For two decades, Conservation International has worked with Starbucks to support responsible coffee farming, protect biodiversity and reduce the coffee industry’s impacts on climate through


New data shows loss in Earth’s vital carbon sinks — and reasons for hope

Earth has lost 2 billion metric tons of “irrecoverable carbon” since 2018 — an amount greater than the United States’ annual greenhouse gas emissions. That’s


Home sweet home for Madagascar’s lemurs?

This post was updated on October 2, 2019. Lemurs are making themselves at home in Madagascar’s cacao and vanilla plantations, a new study finds. New


One-fifth of Mekong River fish face extinction

Unsustainable development has pushed one-fifth of the fish in the Mekong River — the lifeblood of Southeast Asia — to near extinction, according to a


Biologist’s keen eye spots (another) new species in the Pacific

Diving in the waters of Samoa, Mark Erdmann watched as a haze of colorful little fish — each no bigger than a raisin — hovered


In hottest year on record, nature is a key climate ally

It’s off the charts: 2023 has been the hottest year on record by a wide margin. Across the world, skyrocketing temperatures fueled climate-induced disasters — leaving


Partnerships and communities drive nature conservation

Nature is in crisis: More than 1 million animal and plant species are at risk of extinction. And critical ecosystems — like forests that absorb


For Indigenous peoples, pandemic poses unique risks

For the Kankanaey-Igorot indigenous people of the Philippines, closing off their community to the outside world is an annual tradition known as ubaya — a


For these women, sustainable business is buzzing

Industrious and indispensable, bees are nature’s “essential workers.” Their pollination powers entire ecosystems and food systems — with more than 75 percent of the world’s