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So Halestorm vocalist Lzzy Hale walks into a bar in Nashville and someone tells her that the band playing just covered a Halestorm track. Hale is understandably bummed but continues her night… only for the band to start playing “Here’s To Us” by Halestorm. So Hale jumps on stage and surprises the band with a killer duet they’ll never forget!
Hale posted footage of the moment below, which is sure to warm your heart and maybe make you think about practicing vocals some more. Because damn – Hale and Coco Groves have some pipes.
“I had an amazing day yesterday! Workout, vocal training, rehearsal with the boys, Sushi dinner with [Halestorm guitarist Joe Hottinger] and then we headed to downtown Nashville to meet up with some of the most golden humans in my life, Mz Shannon Gunz and Vin of SiriusXM Octane. It was amazing to catch up and deep dive into stories of our battles and triumphs.
“Then, before heading home we thought we’d stop for one more drink and seek out some joy downtown in Nashville. Turns out they spread it at Jon Bon Jovi‘s new bar….
“After walking into the place I was approached by a local talent, Lily and she told me that the band performing right now had just covered a Halestorm song. Bummed I had missed it, I got a drink to watch the rest of thee band’s set. After a few songs the band started playing ‘Here’s To Us’, and I don’t know what came over me, but I made my way to the stage, surprising the band and the lead singer Coco Groves ( who is an OG Halestorm Freak btw). We traded lines, harmonized and brought the whole bar together. This was the first time I’ve ever jumped up on stage on broadway, so thank you to Coco, the band, the staff and the amazing fans for letting me crash the party and for all the kind words and conversations I had with freaks from Canada, Texas, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Washington!
“The stars aligned last night, and reminded me that we are all just humans who are reaching out for connection. No matter how scary this world seems, music, art and connection always outshine everything else.
“P.S. But wait…there’s more to the story….. after I walked off stage I fell immediately into the embrace of Rachel Pitt] …a die hard day 1 Halestorm fan, and amazing warrior soul that I am honored to call a friend! Haven’t seen her in a lifetime, and the universe just happened to put us in the same place last night. I love this Magic shit!”
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